Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Roller Coaster

Hey Everyone!
Well we got our travel date last week of May 15th. We just found out that they want us to go April 21st!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are in complete shock. Kyle was worried that he could not get off because it takes place right during finals. God works wonders ALL HIS PROFESSORS LET HIM OFF AND GAVE THEIR BLESSINGS. We are in awe. But now we are in crunch mode! The date is not confirmed yet. This would mean we could get Julia a month earlier. I went up to the attic to see what I have and it seems I have not thrown much a way. I did not know baby clothes could go out of style in 8 years.
Will write more when I know more should be a couple of days.
Please pray for us to get everything together and not stress, find a place for the animals and to always put God first.
love ya, shan


Sarah said...

Well congrats! I'm excited to see what happens.

Meredith said...

How exciting!!! Praying for you guys!